Thursday, October 22, 2009

MSN Money Article - Wall Street Run Amok?

Hmm. The MSN Money article by Charles H. Green places the blame with Harvard Business School ... and the "structural analyses" now used in teaching at business schools in general, resulting in a lack of context due to no longer personalizing or cross-referencing case study concepts and a lack of ethics due to no longer focusing on business relationships (see my last post concerning context and ethics).

"In this worldview, 'business ethics' is an oxymoron, not because of bad behavior but because ethics can't even exist apart from some notion of a 'relationship' to something or someone else. Subordinating everything to shareholder value is, literally, anti-ethical."

As a 1976 HBS graduate himself, he concludes by recommending some changes for business schools.
Click here for full article.

My next post will be about my recent experience at a Natural Building workshop!

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