Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Climategate - Rebuttal

Being a scientist myself and having been through the peer review process (on both sides, as an author and a reviewer), I was happy to find this concise video that explains the correspondence of 'climate-gate'. I'll admit that scientists, like everyone else, may overstate the importance or implication of their findings, be sloppy in their data analysis, etc. The peer review process (and often the 'peer' may be someone competing for funding in the same field) is done so that other scientist can review how the data was handled and if it is being given a sound interpretation. And although the peer reviewer is anonymous to the author, the editor knows the reviewers identity and ultimately decides the weight of the peer review recommendation (and usually at least two scientists review the paper).

Climate science is not perfect. Correlation does not always mean causation -- but it does provide a BIG RED WARNING FLAG which we would be fools (and maybe greedy fools) to ignore.

Since I've already posted something with holiday cheer (see Rebecca Kilgore - Holiday Swing posting), for the holidays I'll review three books on personal finance.

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