Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just Me and My ... Trailer?

I know I haven't posted in a while. There's been a couple of illnesses/deaths in the family that has made spending time with family more important than anything else.

Life goes on ... but the ability to pack-up and get away is also important. So I have found myself the proud owner of a 17' 1969 Aladdin Travel Trailer. I spent this last weekend at a State Park not too far from Portland, and it was wonderful to get a mini-vacation -- a mini-vacation that didn't involve an airport or hours of driving. However, a regular two-day weekend just wasn't long enough to find the peace I was seeking in getting away.

I do have book reviews and essays to post. I know I need to get into the habit of posting after writing them. But until I do, here are some pictures of my darling travel trailer and of the beautiful surroundings I had this weekend.

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